Saturday, September 18, 2010

A sweet run would be nice

If I had a shower now would be a great time for a run. The fog is hanging high above my little town, so there are little drips of rain coming down, but not enough to make it "rainy." The streets are silent now that the bars are closed, and there is no one out on the sidewalks. Everything is quiet and nice.

I would put on my shoes and run out some of this anxiety. Just run until I was tired and then turn around and exhaust myself. I could run along the beach until I get to the big dog park at the other end of town. I could run under the aging oak trees, dripping their little bits of the fog. I could even run without my iPod and just listen to the silence.

But I don't have a shower. And I don't really feel like getting into bed exhausted, gross, and wet. I packed my towels because it seemed pointless to have them out anymore. Oh, crap. Everything in the yard is going to be wet. I have some stuff out there that needs to go into the truck and it's going to be all sandy when I wake up. I suppose tomorrow morning will be spent hosing off pots and my big iron plant holder. Maybe it'll wash the lawn chairs for me.

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