Monday, September 13, 2010


My dad likes to talk politics, and I tend to try to avoid the topic. He's a teapartier, which I have nothing against, since they don't deal with social issues, yet. They're just focusing on government, and they don't like democrats or republicans, so they can have their fight.

But now he's talking about the Virginia Attorney General who is talking about limiting the outpatient privileges of abortion clinics. He's trying to argue that they should be held to hospital standards, and I'm arguing that then so should dermatologists and proctologists. No one should do surgery in their office if an abortion clinic can't. If the attorney general gets this thing passed, it's rumored to close the majority of abortion clinics in Virginia.

I hate this. Abortion is something that should be an option, because sometimes you can't go on with a pregnancy. What about people who are too sick to give birth? How can you choose one life over another, or risk losing two? How can you still have the right to choose if you have no where to go? Sorry to get all political, but he's making me mad and I had to share somewhere.

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