Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sobriety and moving

What's kind of funny is through all of this, this change and stress and nervousness, I haven't wanted a drink. I did have a booze dream the other night, but I woke up in a panic until I realized it was a dream. I don't want to drink anymore. Just like I'm done with this place, I'm done with that part of my life. My life is different now, and better. I don't have to take to alcohol whenever something doesn't go my way. I can just be.

I have been chain smoking, though. That's just boredom. I don't know what to do with myself, so I smoke. I used to drink like that. I know the next addiction I need to kick is cigarettes, and I think it will be easier while living with my dad. See, he's retired and "doesn't know" I smoke, which means no smoking while I'm at home. It's not like I can just step outside and sneak a smoke. He lives on the damn 6th floor. I'd have to have a good excuse. And I'm sure I'll make them up. "Going to the store" or "getting the mail." To which he'll probably reply, "Oh, I'll come with you." He likes to hang out with me. So smoking will be hard. Which is a good thing. Maybe I'll get down to one or two a day and then just not buy another pack.

Adam has already said he knows some good sober ladies I can hook up with when I get there, so that will help integrate me into the AA fellowship in my new town. AA is a nice way to meet folks, and I'll get to figure out where all the churches are, at least. I'm sure I'll remember eventually. So AA will come soon enough. In the meantime, I think I'm going to be just fine on that front.

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