Saturday, October 16, 2010

And they've proved another old adage

Science can prove anything. Apparently now, they've figured out that whatever doesn't kill you does make you stronger.

"...adverse experiences do, in fact, appear to foster subsequent adaptability and resilience, with resulting advantages for mental health and well being."

Jesus, I must be the Hulk at this point. No, not in a "woe is me, my life is so hard" kind of way, but damn if I haven't had some "adverse experiences" in my life. They are not just speed bumps, according to this study. In fact, they are a bump up in my strength and resiliency as a human being.

I am a strong person. I don't get rattled easily. I've dealt with all sorts of situations, and it takes a lot to freak me out. I'm a little shaky right now, though. I just feel like I'm in free-fall, and like I said before, free-fall doesn't feel good. I am lucky, though. I have a soft place to fall, like my dad's house. I have people who love me, and a program that will take care of me. I have therapy and modern pharmaceuticals to take care of my mental health. I have food, water, shelter. I really do have the best of things. I just don't have that western identifier of worth: a job. But I'll get there. This won't kill me.

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