Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Loko drinks

There's a new "energy" drink out there called Four Loko that actually has alcohol in it. It's apparently been causing a lot of overdoses in kids and deadly accidents.

"I've been practicing emergency medicine for 13 years in Lancaster," he said, "and I have yet to see one alcoholic beverage that has caused so much intoxication in such a short amount of time." (Lancaster, PA)

This thing is pretty dangerous, and reminds you that you have to check everything for alcohol. I've heard of people going out of the program on things as simple as mouthwash or vanilla extract, but so far not on energy drinks. I wonder what's in the rest of them? Besides coffee and soda, most alcoholics I know consume tons of Red Bull. I'm sure there's nothing healthy in there, but at least there's no alcohol.

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