Monday, October 11, 2010


Unmanageable. Life is unmanageable. But what is management?

To manage is to orchestrate something. "To continue to function, progress, or succeed, usually despite hardship or difficulty; get along." It's like the Big Book says, we try to be the director of the play of our lives. We take on the roles of scriptwriter, actor, manager. We believe that we have control over our lives, and that the things we do really can lead us to one thing or another, when we don't really have that option. We can do everything "right" and things can sometimes turn out in a different manner.

We have no control. Does this sound depressing? A little, maybe, but really, it's freeing. We don't have to control anything, because it's useless to try.

And this is where the freedom comes in. When we believe in a higher power, we can accept that it is in control, not us, so we can let go. We can stop stressing about the outcome of everything, because in the end, it's really not up to us. Instead, we can let go and be free.

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