Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Protest the liquor?

A neighborhood in San Diego, CA is trying a new approach to the homeless.

"Fletcher said he knows alcoholism is a disease and believes the supply of alcohol needs to be cut off. So he and some neighbors are targeting two local stores that sell alcohol and asking that stores don't sell liquor to known alcoholic transients."

Basically they're protesting the stores that sell alcohol to homeless people. There is an epidemic of homeless people who have alcohol and mental health problems. Many people are schizophrenic or alcoholic, or both. In San Diego, "In a recent survey of downtown homeless, 54 percent said they either currently or in the past have had a problem with drugs or alcohol."

54% Wow. I would imagine it's even bigger in bigger cities like LA or NY. But we can't protest all liquor stores. Or can we? And is that a first amendment issue? I mean, you can't tell people they can't do something just because you don't like it. It's not really free speech, but you know what I mean.

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