Sunday, October 10, 2010

So I'm wrong, so what?

"I have a right to be right, and a right to be wrong."

Some people feel bad when they're right, and they prove other people wrong. I don't feel "bad" for being right, but sometimes I feel too "good" about it. I have too much pride in being right, that I'll make up answers just to sound smarter. Or someone will ask me if I've read a book and I'll say yes, even if I haven't. But when I am right, it's ok to feel good about it. I have that right.

And I have a right to be wrong. Sometimes I don't know the answer. I need to work on admitting that, and not having an answer for everything. It's ok if I'm wrong. I don't have to feel sorry, or feel bad, as long as it's not life threatening. My friend Amanda told me about her cold symptoms today, and I thought she had a sinus infection. She called the advice nurse, who told her it was just her cold going away, draining out. So I was wrong, but I don't feel bad about it. I want her to be healthy, and I was encouraging her to call the doctor anyway.

It's a little different when you have to admit you're wrong and it's embarrassing. That's where I have trouble admitting I'm wrong. I don't do well with shame; really, who does. I hate feeling like I'm ashamed of something I've said, or done. But actually, it's ok. I'm only human, and humans are wrong sometimes. I need to remember that.

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