Monday, July 26, 2010


So I smoked it. My last cigarette. I bought some lolipops and Hall's, and I think I'm prepared for the week. Let's just see how I make it through one week, and by then, hopefully, I'll be ready for a second week. It's just like quitting booze - day by day, minute by minute.

I got my 60 day chip this morning! My home group was awesome, and they all cheered loudly when I got up. I got tons of hugs, too. 60 days is so much longer than I thought it would be! What's really cool is I went to another pool party today, and I didn't have to drink OR smoke. I could just sit there and be. They've all been bugging me about the amount of diet Coke I drink, but come on. I've got one vice left. I think that's going to have to be all the quitting I can do this year.

Now, to get over my irrational fears and hit the gym. Let's take up some good addictions! I need to get my running back under control. Since Adam was here I haven't been very good at running during the week. I suppose you just stop doing something for three weeks and you get out of the habit. Huh, like drinking and smoking.

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