Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happiness is but a turn away

Happiness is just around the corner. It's just a matter of finding the right corner. -The Geography of Bliss

At what point in sobriety do you turn that corner? When you have a spiritual awakening? At the point you can give your will and life over to the care of God, as you understand him? After your fourth or ninth step?

I'm happier now, for sure. I don't have to drink, which makes my life so much easier and cheaper. I can sit here on my porch and listen to the band play in the park down the street and not have to have a drink in my hand, and that makes me happy.

But when will my life improve? Now. I can think clearer, I can focus better, I'm not having to sleep my life away. But I am bored. Drinking diet Coke isn't quite the same as having my old buddy wine next to me. It sure would make my posts more creative. But then again, they'd be more incomprehensible and probably spelled wrong.

So happiness is this corner. It's the corner I'm standing on now, the precipice of sobriety, and I've chosen the path towards the light.

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