Friday, August 6, 2010

AA keeps um coming back

AA celebrates 75 years this year. That's thousands, perhaps millions of lives changed by a simple program with a simple message: just don't drink. Apparently the longer you stay in AA, the better chance you have at not drinking.

"...a 2006 study published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research followed 349 drinkers over five years. And scientists found that success rates correlated with the frequency and length of A.A. attendance.

Of those who dropped out of A.A. after the first year, only 43 percent were still sober at year five. Of those who went to 60 meetings a year, 73 percent continued to abstain. And 79 percent of those who attended 200 meetings annually had gone into remission by year five. Maybe most surprising, is that 61 percent of those who attended 200 meetings in their first year but dropped down to six meetings in year five, were still able to stay dry."

60 meetings a year is a little over one a week. I wonder what would happen if people attended 104 meetings a year, or two a week? Would that increase the rate of sobriety? I bet it would. I know I need a meeting almost daily to keep me invested. I'm sure eventually I'll taper down, but at this moment in time the more meetings I get the better.

I've been lazy this week. I didn't hit my lunch meetings except for Tuesday. I know, I know, but I've been going to night meetings instead. At least I'm getting one in!

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