Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's been a while

Today is 70 days sober. It's amazing to me that I've gotten this far and still been able to hang out with my friends in drinking situations. I've been able to deflect offers of happy hour, and told those closest to me that I had a problem, and I'm fixing it.

My poor dad said tonight, "I never knew you had a problem." I'm pretty good at hiding most anything from people, and I always came in and just plopped down on the couch after a good drinking spell and then quickly went to bed before he noticed. He notices my cousin's problem, though.

I had a fight with Adam tonight - not a real fight, but he got annoyed with me and then I got annoyed that he was annoyed. He took something I said personally, and it didn't have the meaning he took out of it. And you know what? I thought afterwards, huh, I didn't have the desire to drink! Usually when he yells at me I get really frustrated and just want a glass of wine, but I didn't even think about it. I just thought, there's something I would normally be doing, but I'm not. What is it?

I think this non-drinking thing is beginning to take.

I also think it's time for a med update. I've been going up and down over the past two weeks, and I'm on the downslide right now. I'm tired, and just can't seem to make myself address the papers on my desk. I know they need to get done, but it just stresses me out to think about them. So off to the doctor I go!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on being 70 days sober. Its a hard road, but it gets easier (I'm coming up on my two year anniversary). And I know all too well about hiding problems, its amazing what we go through to lie to those around us. We become experts at lying. When my parent's found out about my drug and drink problem, it was eye opening, both for them and for me.

    Thanks for the link/quote in your last post :)

    Stay strong!

