Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feeling a move

There are 34 pages of jobs in my hometown, and only 2 for where I live now. That's insane! There are a bunch of really good things out there, too. Hmmmm. I may have to consider a move. I do this every year - I apply and then interview, and then never hear back. Hopefully I'll hear something from some of these people.

I need a new job, no matter where it is. I'm unhappy where I am and not challenged. I need to move into a different type of position; one that will better fit my interests and skills. I'm good at what I do, but I don't particularly enjoy it.

Somehow I think being home will cure my loneliness. I know that's not entirely true, but I'll have more people who love me surrounding me, and be able to go out with them more often. I really miss them all. Even my mom. Maybe not my cousin Diane, so much, but the rest of my cousins.

There are also some nice townhouses available in the neighborhood where I eventually want to buy. It's like living in my little town now, only in the middle of the city. Well, we'll see. I don't want to get my hopes up or anything.

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