Friday, August 6, 2010

Liar, liar, pants on fire

Apparently this is a trait of any good alcoholic, but I've noticed lately how much I lie. I tell little white lies a lot of the time. If I go out at work to smoke a cigarette, and everyone knows I smoke, I'll say I went out to talk to my mom. Or I got a soda and ran into someone I know. What in the world is the reason for me to lie, there? Who knows why I do it, I just happen to do it a lot.

I tend to make up things, too. I just say whatever comes to mind first, whether it's true or not. Adam, unfortunately, has truth serum, and I say the stupid truth 99% of the time, sometimes to my disadvantage. I'm also an over-sharer. I tend to tell people all sorts of stuff about my personal life - things not everybody needs to know, like the fact that I'm bipolar. Sometimes you need to keep things to yourself. I just can't seem to help it!

So I'm going to make a concerted effort to stop lying, but to not spit everything out, either. I need to be more reserved in the things I share. Here's to another project.

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