Monday, August 2, 2010

Psychosomatic illnesses

A person, could develop a cough.

I'm home "sick" today. I don't know if I actually am, I mean, I have a headache, I'm tired, not hungry, and I feel stuffy, but I don't know if I'm sick, per se. I think it might all be in my head. I think I might just need a nice mental health day where I sit around in my pjs and go back to bed every hour or two. I really should do something like go get my toenails done or something else girly and good for me, but I can't seem to make it further than my computer.

So why would I be feeling sick, if it's all in my head? I have therapy tonight, so that can be something I might figure out there. I really don't know.

I think it's Adam's fault. He has a cold, and I swear you can give a cold long-distance.

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