Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Children always know best

Pam said she read something this week that really struck her.

"Children have an unexpectedly sophisticated grasp of spirituality, and they’re happier for it."

Children, with their amazing capacity for wonder, often grasp spiritual terms and life much easier and faster than we adults can. Remember when you were a little kid and you knew, just knew, there was something bigger than you? Whether it was God, or fairies, mother nature, whatever. There was a universe, and you were part of it.

"Often when people talk about a spiritual experience, they’ll recall something from childhood, she says, but over time, society and even religious institutions themselves encourage people to suppress that youthful capacity for wonder.

'Children are very familiar with mystery and with not knowing, which is a quality of spirituality,' she says. 'Their days are filled with new discoveries and new insights. They’re open and they’re curious; they understand that we don’t always have words to describe what it is that we’re thinking and feeling.'”

Why can't we maintain this curiosity? We end up "socialized" and lose that sense of wonder that makes everything possible. So this is your homework for the week: regain your sense of wonder and play. Do something child-like. Even if it's just playing with your kids and watching their excitement at learning about the world. Do something good for your soul.

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