Friday, August 20, 2010

Disordered eating

I eat out of boredom and frustration. Just like all my other addictions, it's binging. At least I don't vomit after, though I've thought about it. I'm too anti throwing up. Even when I was drunk I think I puked 3 times in my whole drinking career. Anyway, a new study looked at dealing with the emotions behind eating compulsively.

" can people who have eaten to cope with emotions change their eating habits, when they haven't learned other ways of coping with emotions?"

They say that you have to change your emotional eating patterns by watching those feelings slide away on a "conveyor belt." Putting them on a mental conveyor and watching them go away so you don't have to eat over them. I don't know how well this would work. I can think about why I'm eating, and the fact that I'm not hungry, and still want to eat. I also eat WAY too fast. I can eat dinner and in a minute or so convince myself that I'm still hungry and eat more. I don't know how to stop it. I can't seem to slow myself down. I have no real "hunger stop" mechanism. Apparently eating quickly doesn't allow your body to register that you're full.

"Most of us have heard that eating fast can lead to food overconsumption and obesity, and in fact some observational studies have supported this notion,"

I deal with the weight issue all the time. I bounce back and forth between a size 6 and a size 14. It's just a cycle I seem to go through. Even when I notice my pants are tight, I just can't seem to stop long enough to do something about it. And then I starve myself on a diet to get back to the weight I'm at now. Perhaps this is an eating disorder? It wouldn't surprise me. Mental illnesses and eating disorders sort of go hand in hand.

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