Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ohh! Shiny

Apparently we drunks space out more often, and are less likely to notice it. Of course, the test was done using War and Peace, which I think everyone spaces out during.

"For example, the observation that alcohol increases mind-wandering suggests another reason why alcohol makes driving dangerous-drunk drivers may lose track of what they are doing."

There's another study that suggests that alcohol impairment is less likely to be determined impairment when you have alcohol in your system. In other words, when you're drunk, you think you can still drive because you don't know your own impairment.

Which explains why we often think, "I'm ok to drive," when we're totally not. A lot of us used to drunk drive, thinking that one of two (or 5) was perfectly fine because we could still hold our heads up just fine. But it appears we were spacey and impaired all along. Kind of a duh, huh?

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