Saturday, November 20, 2010

6 months

It's been 6 months today since I quit drinking. Adam says I should "drink the Kool-Aid for a while, till I get the hang of everything. I'm not sure I want to go there. I've had a great time in AA, and it's been an interesting ride so far, but I'm not sure I want to get so involved in AA that it becomes my life, even for a time.

6 months. Wow. I never thought I could last this long. Some of it has been hard, like calling my sponsor every day and going to some places with alcohol, but the rest of it has been easier than I thought. I really like meetings, and I like hearing other people's stories about why they quit, or what trouble they got into while drinking.

It's also nice that I feel my bipolar is better. I feel like my meds are working. My head is clear; when I get thoughts of suicide they are easier to make go away. I've been feeling much better.

I'd like to stay sober for another 6 months. I think it's a great thing to be doing.

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