Monday, November 15, 2010

Drinking and smoking


"Did you know that…

* per person, smokers drink about twice as much alcohol as non-smokers?
* people who drink heavily are more likely to smoke heavily too?
* reducing drinking helps people quit smoking?
* quitting smoking helps with sobriety among alcoholics?
* relapse to drinking may cause smoking relapse?"

I suppose that makes a lot of sense. Although, I did start smoking more when I quit drinking. I just replaced the drink with a smoke. It's interesting that quitting smoking helps with sobriety.

Another thing they report is that you should cut your caffeine intake in half when you try to quit smoking. Apparently caffeine can trigger smoking urges just like drinking can, because it makes the nicotine metabolize faster.

I don't know if I can tackle the caffeine addiction along with the smoking. One at a time. It's been almost 6 months (!) since I quit drinking, so it's time to focus on another thing. Hopefully I can control the cutting urge by running instead.

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