Monday, November 15, 2010

It's all about the search

"When it comes to God, it's not about the finding, it's about the seeking."

I talked to one of my pigeon sisters this morning, and she went to a meeting where they talked about the chapter about agnostics. She's a former Catholic and hasn't come to terms with the praying and higher power yet. She only has 13 days, so I told her it will come. She can always use the group as her higher power until she figures it out.

I like that it's the seeking. I've heard that from priests and nuns all my life. It's not about belief, it's about the questioning. It's about the looking into something and trying to find out what it means to you. I'm pretty lucky that I knew exactly where to turn when AA spoke of a higher power. I've always talked to God, even when I didn't believe in the church, I always believed there was something out there greater than me.

My goal now is to trust: to turn it over and let God have control. I come back to the third step daily. I have so much trouble just letting it go.

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