Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bipolar and alcohol

"Most experts in this area believe that sticking to a regular routine or schedule and abstaining from alcohol are essential components to achieving mood stability. This can make travel and even moderate drinking difficult. However, every person is different and it's important for couples to make decisions based on their specific experiences.

Even if it appears that a bipolar person can have an alcoholic beverage from time to time without any seemingly negative consequences, alcohol is completely out of the question during a mood episode (either depression or mania). Alcohol worsens and lengthens mood episodes; even worse, it also dramatically increases the risk of suicide, which is disproportionately high among people with bipolar disorder (at one time or another, about 25% of bipolar individuals make an attempt on their own lives). Spouses can play a huge role in supporting their partners' sobriety by abstaining from alcohol themselves."

I knew that alcohol messed with your meds, but I didn't really think about the consequences of drinking while in a bipolar episode. It can really mess with your mind, and someone who is already "crazy" can be set off by the feelings of drunkenness. I've felt that being sober has been really good for my bipolar, but now I've got a doctor's opinion to back it up. Interesting article, by the way. I suggest anyone who knows someone with bipolar read it.

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