Monday, November 15, 2010

We're at the smoking problem again

"A recent study found that 10 minutes of exercise reduces cigarette withdrawal and desire."

I can't believe that I smoke and run. It's just kind of an oxymoron to be a running smoker. At least I don't smoke while I run. I know I need to quit before my marathon. I will be able to go farther and faster if my lungs are in better shape, and hitting that hill will be tough no matter what. I went to CVS today and thought about buying some of those Commit lozenges, and instead bought more cigarettes. My dad just went to go get the mail and I smoked while he was down there. And I ran this morning! I had a cigarette within two hours.

It's just about opportunity for me. If I have the opportunity, I do it. Sometimes I don't even want one.

I say this all the time, but it's time to quit. I think I'll slow down, and only permit myself 5 cigarettes a day. I've already had that today, so it's time to stop. Tomorrow I'll try to stay in the house for a while, and only smoke when I go out to a meeting. A friend of mine is trying the patch, so maybe I'll try to hang out with her some more and she'll be able to talk me into not smoking.

Apparently, "On average, it takes smokers about 7 times to quit for good." Let's try not to be average.

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