Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who are you, do, do, do do

The Big Book describes the alcoholic as someone who is trying to put on the whole play by themselves. They are the actors, the musicians, the set designers, and the lighting crew. Alcoholics try to control every aspect of their lives, and most of the time, fail miserably. So some of the materials suggest you ask yourself what roles you're trying to play. What are the false characters you put on in this play? Are these working for you?

We all act like different people in different situations. Some of us are the black sheep in our families, and the good girl in relationships. Some of us are the strong, silent friend to some, and the blubbering mess to others. We choose who we're going to be based on the needs and expectations of the people around us.

But who are we, really? Who is deep down in there under the masks and costumes?

I think this is what the fourth step tries to root out. Who are you? What makes up your character in totality, not just in these different situations. Are you really the strong one, or are you a combination of that and the blubberer?

So it's the age old question: Who am I?

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