Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Relax, don't do it

"Lighten up while you still can, don't even try to understand. Just find a place to make your stand, and take it easy." - The Eagles

So we're back to the theme of relaxing. Adam reminded me last night to take it easy on myself. "More will be revealed. You don't have to figure it all out right now." Easy to say, not so easy to do.

I'm a perfectionist. I like to accomplish things, and do them right the first time. Since I'm impatient as well, I often screw things up and have to redo them. And then I get frustrated and angry with myself.

I've sailed through the first 3 steps, thinking, "I got this, man. I've got a God. I'm accepting of my disease and it's control over me. I can give it up to Him and let go." But according to all my posts, I'm still having trouble handing it over. I'm having trouble living by the moment. I can do it, most of the time, but I'm still trying to be in control.

I need to learn how to just relax. I need to learn to let go of control, and slow down those buzzing bees in my brain. It's all going to be ok. We will be relieved of emotional insecurity; amazed before we are halfway through. Let's hope so.

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