Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bread and butter

Here's a little story from CNN about the rally.

Afterwards, we all went to a great restaurant in the city, and I had a peanut butter and banana sandwich. My ex's mom used to call them Superman sandwiches. This sandwich definitely lived up to it's name.

I was with 3 other sober women, and we talked about all sorts of great stuff. On the way to the rally, I talked to Samantha about her take on AA. "As long as people follow the steps, I don't care what they do." I like her point. AA is about the steps, and using them in your life to improve it, not to gain power over others or get up on a soapbox. I think a lot of us have trouble following orders, but I'm going to have to start listening to my sponsor. No, I haven't traded her in yet. We haven't had time to talk, and I think she might actually end up being helpful. I'm going to bring up the medication thing and see if she balks at it.

Since I don't know where I'm going to live, I don't want to change sponsors again until I know if it will be too much of a pain to see her anymore. I'm kind of on hold with everything right now. I don't want to get a psychiatrist either, because I'm not sure what kind of health insurance I'll have, if I get a job soon. It's all if I get a job soon kind of stuff. And who the hell knows? I could have all these interviews and nothing to show for it.

God that scares me. What if I go through this whole process with 5 places and no one wants me? I hate rejection, and getting a job is really about if the people like you. It's a popularity contest, it really is. So I hope I displayed some good traits. One woman called me "poised and mature," so that's a good sign. Apparently I was on my game.

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