Friday, October 29, 2010

We know it's bad for us

"Drug users are well informed about the harms associated with the drugs they use, and perceive alcohol and tobacco to be amongst the most dangerous substances."

I am well aware of the consequences of drugs on my mind and body. I always knew when I was taking drugs that I was in harm's way, and could have had a heart attack or died. I knew it. I also knew that alcohol was harming my liver, especially since my meds work through the same system. I know smoking is bad for me. I know it's blackened my lungs and made me more likely to get dementia or COPD. I understand the risks. And yet, why do we do it anyway?

Dopamine! We get such "joy" from the substances. They socially lubricate us, they make us feel on top of the world, they take us out of our bodies, or we just believe all those things. But dopamine is released when you use these substances, and dopamine makes you feel good.

So do I think that putting pictures of lungs on cigarette packages is going to work (which they do in Canada and I think they're going to start doing here)? Maybe. Seeing the consequences every day might do it, but getting one pack when I was in Canada kind of made me laugh. It's just so obscene. Will I stop smoking when I start seeing that kind of thing? Well, hopefully I'll have quit by then.

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