Monday, October 25, 2010

The interview process

First interview went really well. I think they like me, and I might be a top candidate. They're rushing the process to get someone in there as soon as possible, which is good, but also bad. It's only a part-time position, and I would have to stay living here if I took it. The organization is incredible, though, with a mission I could really get behind.

Tomorrow's interview will be all day, and really intensive. I am hoping I can exude the confidence my friends saw this weekend, and really impress them. It would be out of my comfort zone - a position I've never done before and I'm not sure I would be awesome at. It would be a sales related project, going out to people and making an ask to support the organization. I've been doing this in writing for years, but never in person. We'll see. It's full-time, and pays well, but it's also pretty far away from here. It would be about an hour commute.

I'm hoping for the third one to come in sometime soon, but I don't meet with them again until next week. The mission is more aligned with something I believe in strongly, and the position is right up my alley. I think I would be perfect for it.

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