Friday, October 29, 2010

Obesity is in your dopamine

Another fascinating new study about obesity. It turns out people who overeat really do overeat to compensate for missing happiness. Eating releases, guess.... dopamine. They've found that people with obesity lack certain receptors to dopamine:

"Obese individuals have fewer pleasure receptors and overeat to compensate."

"People with fewer of the dopamine receptors need to take in more of a rewarding substance -- such as food or drugs -- to get an effect other people get with less."

Such as food and drug, huh? Well, perhaps that's my problem. I'm not taking in any substances except food, so I'm controlling my happiness by eating a lot. Apparently that happens in depressed people, too. They compensate for their unhappiness and overeat to feel better.

So what is undereating? I think when I've read before about it it's more of a control thing than a dopamine thing. I'm not sure if there's a gene for it, but I do know that undereaters cut more, which is also a control type response to external stimuli.

So it's not my fault I'm eating too much, right?

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