Monday, October 25, 2010

Ketamine again

"It's like a magic drug -- one dose can work rapidly and last for seven to 10 days."

They're talking about Ketamine again, which is called recreationally "Special K." Apparently it's been used for years as an anesthetic (I always wondered where it came from), and abused by drug addicts all over the place. Now, it might be able to help rebuild your synapses and cure depression. Pretty amazing what modern science can do for your brain. It works quickly, too, which is good for people in acute trouble, like people who are suicidal.

But what about all the people who would abuse it? Depressives aren't known for taking their drugs as prescribed (at least no one I know), and Special K is worth some money on the market. Chopped up and snorted, just like Adderall, it can make you feel like you just did a ton of coke, and it's a hell of a lot cheaper.

Those of us who have a history of drug abuse would never get prescribed this anyway, but will they make it available given that it can easily and has a history of being abused?

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